Local Special Goods

Kumihimo (Braided Cord)

What is Kumihimo?

Kumihimo (Braided Cord)

Cord braiding is one of Iga’s traditional industries and has a long history.
The Iga braided cord has been designated as a National Traditional Craft as “Iga Kumihimo”.

Kumihimo is a cord made by braiding thin silk (or cotton) threads.
In the old days, kumihimo was used as a decorative cord to beautify swords and to connect intricate pieces of armors.

Today, it is used for “obijime”, a code to be tied around obi (sash) for kimono.

Varieties of kumihimo are available, colorful kumihimo braids with threads in many different colors, because and it is reminiscent Japanese tradition, a perfect gift.

Kumihimo (Braided Cord)

Places you can buy kumihimo

Iga Kumihimo Braiding Center

116-2 Ueno Marunuchi, Iga City, Mie Prefecture

Website    *only in Japanese

Iga Kumihio Center

Danjiri Kaikan Museum

122-4 Ueno Marunuchi, Iga City, Mie Prefecture

Kumihimo Shops

  • Hirosawa Tokusaburo no Mise
  • Hirai Kenzo Shoten
  • Maezawa Kumihimo Kobo
  • Maezawa Kumihimo Ten,


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